Just saw rob judge's videos on pickuptube.net. fucking funny shit. the guy kills it in all the videos. gota give the guy some credit.
then there is this adonis guy. who the fuck is this retard? he goes up to girls and says "im security here at the club. how has your night been so far good? bad?" what a fucking tool.
this is the footage that i saw him sarging
tbh, he is fucking lousy. if you cannot see where his mistakes are, you are a noob with no skill.
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no not that video Dillan. the ones on pickuptube.net
the one where he does the micro wave. Its like 1 1/2 hours long and goes from him meeting the girl in the bar to taking her home that night.
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thats from his blog dude (god i feel so gay for figuring that out).
you forgot to add his comments:
"Check out how retarded I am acting. In fact, this clip sucks!There are SEVERAL mistakes in the first minute or so, but guess what? The girl still likes me. Notice at the end, she's curious about this strange airport man who is in (too much of) a rush to grab a cup of coffee.
If I were some bloated guru sitting behind a mountain of marketing copy, I probably would never release an awful clip like this. But, this clip, that's pickup. That's REAL pickup. It's stuttering. It's saying the wrong thing. It's being too creepy at moments. It's not being creepy enough at other moments."
stop being jealous dillan.
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Why don't you go back to posting under your other handle Kevin_Bacon, that was at least somewhat more amusing. Speaking of shitty infield footage.....you and "Biskit" were atrocious on Keys to the VIP. I bet Daddy Savoy had to suck a lot of dick to get that footage removed of you two faggots creeping it up. Do yourself a favor and stick to Navy diving and hanging out with seamen you fag.
his not as big as a pedophile as thetigerpua.
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